Tuesday 3 November 2015

Olle Eksell

Recently from a blogger called: DesignLoveFest, she was holding a competition and and the prize was a poster from the Swedish designer called Olle Eksell. If you haven’t heard of him, you should, his works is very impressive and beautiful. The prize though, was of “One Eye” 50 x 70. I loved this poster and I thought why not!
All you had to do was just say what piece of artwork you liked from Olle’s collection. I chose 3 which I found to be beautiful and as a Graphic Designer, in training I believe that having this would bring inspiration to me! I wrote that along with my post.
Then it was a waiting game really. I thought nothing of it for a few days to be honest. I thought as I’ve never won a competition before I thought “Oh well, such as life! I knew I wouldn’t win!” However, that changed my perception of competitions all-together!
I was in complete and utter shock when I got an email saying I was a potential winner! I was over the moon! I was awe-struck really. I didn’t know what to do. I responded to the email as quickly as I could.

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