Tuesday 3 November 2015

DIY– Doc Martens Magazine

Upon shopping in Leeds a few weeks back I went into the Doc Martens shop to see what other wears I thought I might like to purchase. I also went with my boyfriend and he also wanted to check out their newest and latest shoes. I spotted a few Docs that I particularly liked however I had 2 week prior bought a new pair and thought today is not the day to be purchasing shoes..

My boyfriend however saw a pair that he liked and proceeded to try them on, whilst I was bored waiting for him to hurry up so I could go into another store, I remembered that Doc Martens had little magazines inside the stores for people like me, being bored whilst a family member or friend tries on there shoes.

This magazine was called DIY, and the main cover for the magazine was of a band called CHVRCHES, I adore this band! I couldn't believe that they were on the cover of this magazine. It made me want to read the magazine right there and then, so I did. This was the Issue 45, I didn't really know that there had been this many issues for a magazine that is located in the stores of Doc Martens. 

I really liked how rustic the magazine is, I wouldn't even necessarily say that it was a magazine. Maybe just a a bookazine? I'm not too sure really, but it is very interesting. The layout for the magazine is really well structured, on the first pages it shows the Doc Martens music 'festival' and who's playing and where and the dates located. On the other side is what is happening in the month of October 2015. 

This little mini magazine is really to do with music mostly, however it is still a very nice read even if you are not into the bands that they talk about within it. I was really looking forward to reading about CHVRCHES section in it. I really like their latest album and it was interesting to read upon that in the mag. 

I also really like the design too, I picked up on the layout briefly too, however the design is really interesting and is quite small, but also compact. The magazine is also rather full of content, which is mostly text with pictures, I think it is probably a 50:50 ratio of image to text.

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